Embodied Coaching, Mindfulness Trainings & Holistic Team Events

As tools to reconnect, focus, flourish & thrive - also in the business context.

Designed for the leaders of today and tomorrow.

#1 Somatic & Systemic 1:1 Coaching

As human beings, we are more than our our rational mind. Hence, including the wisdom of our body means increasing the range of experience and knowledge: Connecting to sensations, emotional undercurrents and energetic shifts allows for a more holistic understanding of what makes us better leaders, colleagues and team members. Somatic coaching promotes deep transformational processes and the ability to implement lasting behavioral changes. Systemic tools are part of my coaching approach, too. This ensures that organizational requests and external dynamics are organically integrated in the coaching process.

Tools I use

  • Choice follows awareness.

    To enable lasting change, it is fundamental to familiarize oneself with one’s bodily sensations and the emotions that come along with thought patterns and behaviors.

    Becoming aware of unconscious patterns and innate longings is the first step towards embodied transformation.

  • We are what we practice.

    In somatics, we want our clients to firmly establish and truly embody new habits and skills.

    By introducing my clients to simple - but powerful - embodied practices, I am empowering them to take new actions. Actions that are aligned with their innate longing and true capacities, and which also appropriately meet the external requests they are facing.

  • No one is an island.

    Transformation doesn’t occur in a vacuum. Therefore, “sites of shaping” is an integral concept of somatic coaching.

    Here, we uncover external dynamics, systemic requests or structural conflicts in order to explore how the individual is socially embedded and has been shaped by these forces.

    Additionally, I have a background in Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC™). Hence, I also include tools such as constellations, deep democracy, third-entity, etc.

#2 Mindfulness Group Trainings & Advisory

Strength, resilience & clarity. These are the main benefits of working with the mind. Mindfulness is a training in being more focused while developing a broader awareness. Consequently, it also enables a more empathetic leadership approach and better relational skills. Beyond that, Eastern wisdom traditions offer an array of storytelling gems and an elaborate understanding of personality types and energetic traits - powerful personal development tools which I integrate into my offering, too.

Good to know

  • No sectarianism, no dogma

    Mindfulness the way I share it is not tied to any sort of sect, religion or belief system. I bow to inclusiveness.

    Overall, mindfulness draws inspiration from meditation practices that are rooted in the Buddhist tradition. Nowadays, they have been adapted and secularized for broader use.

  • No magic pill

    Establishing a truly mindful way of life - and of leadership - is not an overnight happening. It is about gradual change and about consistent, regular practice. Discipline and dedication are the keywords for long-term and lasting effects. A fact that actually goes for establishing excellence in any field.

  • We can't suppress our mind

    Mindfulness doesn’t mean to get rid of one’s thoughts. It means becoming aware when they arise - and to cultivate an ability to let them pass by without judgement.

    Simply put, we are training to come back to a chosen object of concentration and to be aware of the present moment. The more often we do this, the less pressing our thought patterns become.

Jana Edelmann Retreats Meditation Mindfulness

#3 Off-site Meetings, Workshops & Retreats

Reset - replenish - recharge: Holistic in-person formats generate multiple benefits. From uplifting inspirational effects to a more intimate understanding of one’s authentic ambitions, personal wishes and leadership style to  more trustful relationships within established teams: You name it. The design of my offerings is tailor-sized to the specific target audience, to the specific theme of the event and to the participants’ needs, wishes and goals. There is no one-size-fits-all approach.

Exemplary Themes

  • 2-4 hrs.

    Introductory overview session with practical parts around different modalities of mindfulness and how to integrate and translate these into everyday (business) life and leadership responsibilities.

  • Half-day.

    Diving into bilateral and group practices around nonviolent communication, deep democracy and third entities: Are we still seeing and honoring the human beings in front of us when the pressure gets high, when the deadline is already overdue, when mistakes or errors need to be corrected?

  • 3-5 days.

    Exploring the emotional body by a) establishing an understanding the core emotions that drive our human nature and b) by tapping into our felt physical sensations in connections with different emotions.

    Reconciling and attuning our rational goals, thoughts and ambitions with our emotional state of being.

    By being more to connected to ourselves, our possibilities expand: There is more room for conscious choices. We have the chance to take new actions that aren’t based on habitual response patterns. We have more capacity for innovative thoughts and for finding ways to implement these.